Sunday, February 24, 2013

Emergency Essentials For Urban Survival

Emergency essentials, include a wide variety of survival items needed for urban survival in case an emergency were to hit home. The first and foremost idea every home owner should consider is a cache of water, The human body cannot go any longer than three days without it. Having a 55 gal barrel would be ideal if a known emergency situation was going to arrive. You could fill up the bathtub and sinks as well. Having stainless steel cookware would be ideal for boiling water if the known water source has become contaminated. Stainless steel will not rust, can be cleaned easily and is extremely durable. This emergency essentials guide is depicting a scenario that would be 7 days long.
Since this survival situation will be occurring at home, shelter would not be the next item to secure. In a urban and wilderness survival situation water, shelter, fire, food is how one would prioritize his or her actions.
Communication would be a high priority. You and your family will need to know what is happening in the outside world in order to base a decision on which appropriate action to take. Having a hand held magneto type shortwave AM/FM radio with a built in flashlight would be a good choice, they do not rely on batteries and with one minute of cranking you would have two hours of airtime, Depending upon the severity of the crisis cell phones may be unreliable and ought to be kept powered down to preserve battery power since there would be no way to charge them, except if you have invested in a home gasoline powered electrical generator.
An emergency essentials checklist would include a resource for fire. Ultimately in a home environment a white gas backpacking stove would give you a means for cooking food, as well as disinfecting water, This ought to be performed in a separate ventilated area to ensure nobody gets carbon monoxide poisoning. In the event this emergency predicament fell in the heart of a frigid winter. The household will need to position themselves in a single area with all the insulating materials that could be acquired. One's body heat alone should keep everybody comfortable. Some could be tempted to use the stove as a method to obtain heat within the safe room but left unattended falling asleep may very well be fatal.
Survival food, everybody knows what happens when NOAA is forecasting 6 inches of snow or more, people go bat crazy and wipe almost everything off of the store shelves. What would happen if a regional emergency was forecasted involving a total power outage or some thing of that nature? One would not really want to be on the road, let alone going to any food supply chain. Possessing a couple of weeks worth of canned goods and water needs to be considered. If a crisis never comes about good, but if it does...
Lastly emergency essentials must include cash as well as a firearm. More than likely credit lines will be down and cash would be your only exchange for goods provided there is electrical power. Survival preparation needs to be viewed as a social obligation, one that every individual owes to his / her loved ones and community and his or her nation.
To get more detailed information on the Emergency Essentials [] visit
Survival Sun is being developed to provide information obtaining to Urban and Wilderness Survival.
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The 3 things you will always need in an Urban Survival situation

WTSHTF maybe you are prepared for an extended survival scenario away from civilization, but you have to get out of the city first (maybe). In a disaster situation that might not be so easy. If you have these three things in place you will greatly increase your chances.

1.  Get Home Bag (GHB)

skyscraperImagine for a minute that you work downtown in a large city, maybe you ride the subway or take a bus to work everyday. You are in a large office building with many floors, thousands of people, and you are on the fifteen or twentieth story. If a disaster strikes how are you going to get out? I mean literally. If there is an earthquake, or a catastrophic man made event how are you going to get out of your building? How are you going to get down the street? How are you going to get home? Do you want to be one of the people covered in dust wandering around in shock? I sure don’t.
But I have my Bug out Bag you say!
Oh really, where is it? Even if it is in your car it is useless to you at this point. The parking garage is at street level and possibly blocks away. That could mean life or death in this situation and you need to act now.
Even if you could get to your Bug Out Bag, how much good would it do you in this environment? Most people’s B.O.B. is packed for survival in the wilderness. Camping gear, food, clothing, etc.
A Get Home Bag contains an entirely different set of tools and serves one purpose: To get you from wherever you are to your Home.
How to Choose an Urban Survival Bag
Your GBH should contain things that are going to get you out of the building like a prybar. Things to help you make it through the aftermath like water and breathing masks. Things you might use to help rescue others like flashlights or radios. Things that will help you on what could be a very long walk home such as food and maybe shoes.
Clearly a GHB is not a Bug Out Bag. Sure they have some overlap, but a GBH can be much smaller, less weight conscious, have more specific tools, and be planned for one purpose. Do you have one cached  in your office or place of work?

Gear for your Get Home Bag:

Use Sunglasses to Maintain a Tactical Advantage
The Platypus Collapsible Water Bottle
Dust Mask for Toxic Dust and Debris
Window Punch: Because It’s Quieter Than a Rock
Why Ear Plugs could make your Urban Survival more Bearable
30 Uses for a Bandana

2. A Bug Out Plan

Bug Out PlanSo you made it home, now what? Let’s assume that the SHTF out there. You have surveyed the situation and determined that the city is in mass chaos and you need to get out now. What do you do ? Again, you have your Bug Out Bag, but you still have to get out of the city. Do you have a Bug Out Plan?
For our purposes here lets assume that your Bug Out Plan needs to get you from your home to your serious survival cache or Bug Out Location outside of the city. I understand that not everybody has caches hidden in various places, and even fewer people have a dedicated But Out Location. While you should probably be working on that, you still need a Bug Out Plan.
There’s no way I can go through all of the various problems you might encounter while trying to bug out of your city so you will have to plan for yourself. What I will give you are some questions to consider and one rule: Contingency. Is your way out double, triple, and quadruple backed up?
If the highways are shutdown do you have a surface street route?
If no roads are passable do you have an off road route?
If driving is out of the question do you have a planned walking or riding route? (Do you have maps of your area in your Bug Out Bag?)
Do you have a rendezvous point with other family members?

3. A Bug In Plan

Bug In PlanLets back up a minute. Pretend you just got home again, but this time you surveyed the situation and decided that you are not in immediate danger but are still not at situation normal. Now what do you do? A Bug In Plan is for emergency situations where you can stay in your own home but have to rely on your own preparations to survive. This might just mean that you will be without power or water for an extended period. Maybe it means you actually can’t leave your home at all for whatever reason.
What plans do you have in place to live like this? A Bug in Plan should include food and water preparations first and foremost. What will you eat since all of the food in your refrigerator is going to be bad soon? Do you really want to live on the backpack meals out of your Bug Out Bag when you don’t have to? (Be sure to stock the Top 100 Items that will Disappear First).
How much water do you have stored? Do you have a sewage system set up. (No water=no sewage: its always the little things….) Do you have unprepared neighbors to worry about? (To help or guard against?)
Starting out a survival situation in an urban environment is almost an immediate set-back compared to those bugging out from more rural areas, but with a Get Home Bag, a Bug Out Plan, and a Bug In Plan you are better off than most people.
Check out our new Survival Gear Store – Forge Survival Supply
Gear for Bugging In:
The Survival Food Pyramid
The Easiest 100 Gallons of Emergency Water Storage
9 Common Spices to Stock (and 5 Uncommon)
37 Things You Should Stock but Probably Aren’t

Monday, February 18, 2013

Prepper Tips for Babies and Children

Emergency situations and natural disasters are never picture-perfect situations. When emergencies strike, we all need to be prepared to survive until the crisis is over. But, there are special circumstances when we have to put the needs of others before our own. When it comes to babies and children, they will turn to the adults around them for survival. That's why there are special preparations that need to be made for preppers who have children in the home. These tips are also valuable for businesses, such as schools and daycare centers, who serve children. These essential items should to be included in your emergency survival kit to ensure that babies and children have what they need:
Emergency Prepper Tips for Babies Babies have unique needs. These needs must be met, even during a crisis situation. Here are some tips for preparing an emergency kit for babies:

  • Formula – Even if your baby is breastfed, exclusively, your kit should include formula for your baby. During an emergency, many women go through stress. Some even become dehydrated. Both of these factors can affect a mother's ability to breastfeed. Be sure to store formula with a long shelf life, such as canned formulas or powdered formula.
  • Diapers – It's always wise to store extra diapers, just in case. Emergency preparedness experts recommend cloth diapers for emergency kits. They take up less storage space than boxes of disposable diapers. They can also be washed out by hand to be re-used over and over again.
  • Clothing – Your storage should contain full outfits for each baby to last three or more days. It's best to store various sizes, just in case your baby goes through a growth spurt after your kit has been put together.
  • Baby Medication – As you know, your baby can't take medications made for adults. During a disaster, your baby may feel your stress. This could lead to minor colds, allergies, even stomach aches. Be sure you have baby-grade medications stored just in case your baby gets sick during an emergency.
  • Baby Carrier – As soon as a crisis hits, your first instinct will be to grab your baby. In a matter of seconds, you'll realize that you need to grab many other things, such as your emergency kits. It will be much easier to handle all of this at once if you can simply attach your baby to your body and keep moving. Have a convenient carrier ready for this purpose. Then, your hands will be free to grab other things as you and your baby run out the door.
Emergency Prepper Tips for Children There are two major additions to your preparedness kit that must be included if there are children in your home:
  1. Emergency Food – Children can be notorious for being picky eaters. In a crisis situation, this can become a very serious problem. If your emergency food storage is filled with foods your child doesn't like, they may refuse to eat any of it. This can cause malnutrition, low-energy, low-blood sugar, and various other health risks. Be sure to store foods that your children actually enjoy eating. This will ensure that they get the vitamins, minerals and caloric intake they need to stay healthy during the crisis.
  2. Entertainment – Many parents may not feel like entertainment is essential during an emergency. However, a major tragedy can cause stress in children. Having entertainment that can help them escape from the stress caused by the disaster can help them maintain mentally. A good prepper should store a variety of games and puzzles, as well as other forms of entertainment for children.