Showing posts with label dangerous liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dangerous liberty. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2013

DHS Are You Willing To Die For Your King? I Am Willing To Die For Mine.

Freedom Outpost

They have labeled me a terrorist. This is the same Dean Garrison whose Father was a well know pacifist? They say the apple does not fall far from the tree and they may be right. There are very few things in this world that would make me want to go to war and kill another human being, but we all have our limits.
I am a conservative Christian who happens to believe in my Rights protected by the Constitution. These rights are only protected by this Constitution but granted by God. I am sorry if bringing up God makes some uncomfortable but this country was founded on His principles of equality, freedom and the rights of the individual. I do not bow to your king. I bow to no one because I am an American.
Americans are fighters. We come by that trait honestly. We had to fight for our very freedom from a tyrannical government. Many of us have had to fight for our freedoms from this government. Let us not forget the Native Americans, African-Americans, and for that matter, the women who have had to scratch and claw and fight for their own liberties. This government has never been perfect, but when injustice is present it is our duty to be prepared to fight to solve those inequities. This is who we are. We live by the “dangerous liberty” that Jefferson spoke of and not the “peaceful slavery.”
So am I a domestic terrorist? If the love of country makes me a domestic terrorist then I will proudly accept the title you have given me. I speak the truth today because it needs to be said. I will not cower in fear because that is what you want. You cannot continue to intimidate America. We are calling you out and it’s time to talk about this.
Most of us are wise enough to know that the Department of Homeland Security was formed to protect us from terrorism. We simply did not understand what the definition of “terrorism” would become. We all assumed the real reason for the creation of the DHS was to fight against the uprisings of Al Qaeda or Mexican Drug Cartels, for example. Now we give Mexican Drug Lords weapons and put members of the Muslim Brotherhood into top government positions. It is clear who the real target is and it is not foreign-born terrorists. It is God-fearing, constitution-loving, conservative people who want nothing more than a country that embraces the values of a great Constitution, rather than an administration that seeks to destroy it.

 Read More Here
Reposted with permission.