Showing posts with label Get Home Bag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get Home Bag. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

To Prep, or Not to Prep? That is the Question.

 Whether or not to prep for upcoming disasters is totally up to you. You cannot make a one size fits all preparedness plan. There are a lot of things to decide on when you are prepping. Everyone has a unique situation such as, you live in an urban area, you live in the suburbs, or you live in a rural area. When living in an urban area such as, New York City, Boston, any large city. You have to prep differently than if you were in a suburban or rural area. I am also a person, that is never too late to start prepping. Even though, the economic and social collapse of the United States government is close to fruition. I’m going to give you some basic ideas about prepping an urban area. You can take these with a grain of salt if you want but I do feel that these are just some of the things you might want to do.

 You need to come up with a plan whether you are going to be able to put out or or bug in. You may want a bug out plan, if you live near the edge of an urban area. This is only if you have adults and older children that can travel quickly between same zone to safe zone. There are several suitable and cost-effective bug out bags online. On the other hand, if you have to bug in, because of young children below the age of 6 or you have elderly parents they need to take care of. If this is your situation, you need to come out with a bug in plan.

BUGGING OUT- First thing is you have to come up with an exit strategy. I wouldn’t just plan one exit strategy, I would have several at least three ways to get out of town. Just in case and areas blocked off by either the government or roving gangs. Like I said before, this is only for adults and older children, because they will be able to run quickly and hide quickly. In this case, you just want to have a bug out bag. Most bug out bags have 72 hours worth of food, first aid kit, and miscellaneous items that you need to survive in the works for 72 hours. This means that you only have three days to get out of the city. I recommend that a family should bug in for a couple weeks and let the smoke blow over and then try to get out of the city. So this means you will need some storable food and potable water stored and have enough for family of four or whatever your family size is, for two weeks to a month. The longer you stay out of the hands of FEMA, the better chance you have of survival. If you have to walk around your neighborhood and draw a map. Find areas where you can hide along the exit route, because you have to walk out of the city, because the streets will probably be littered with cars that are empty, run out of fuel, any number of reasons why. Know your exit route very well because if something gets your way to where you can’t go your exit route you have to adapt and change your plan as you go. This is the reason why a map of the area is so critical. I’m not talking Street map! The map should be handmade street maps doesn’t show the hiding places that buildings provide,  you’ll need to get out of town.

BUGGING IN- I would only bug in, if I had obligations such as, taking care of elderly parents and young children. If you live in the center of the city, you might want to bug in you also. If you are bugging in, you need to calculate how much food you would need for your entire family to survive several weeks, if not several months. Many online storable food websites have food calculators for those people who have mixed family of adults, elderly and children. You will also need storage for potable water for the same amount of time, depending on your water usage and depending on the side of your family you should decide on how much you need. I KNOW I’M NOT GIVING A LOT OF ANSWERS AND THAT IS BECAUSE EVERY FAMILY’S NEED TO SURVIVE IS DIFFERENT. I know a lot of survival websites will give you a lot of advice or tell you exactly what you to do. I’m not here to do that.

The basic items you will need, if the lights go out and electricity just stopped working. Any disaster where you don’t have the basic necessities these suggestions might help you. If you live in an apartment, in the middle of the city and are limited on space.  I would suggest getting a storage locker that is close to you to store food and water in, because more likely than not have enough room in your apartment to store some of the stuff you’ll need.
1.       A large army duffel bag.(More depending on family size.)
2.       a solar powered flashlight.
3.       solar or crank radio.
4.       solar or crank recharger for cell phones (just in case their generators are still working at the cell towers).
5.       Several candles.
6.       5 gallon bucket for human waste.(Maybe more based on the size of your family)
7.       as much peanut butter as you can get.(This is a cheap way of getting something that is high in protein and I can be eaten on the run.)
8.       Make sure your storable food has individual servings in a bag.(Just in case you have to run you can take much of your food with you.)
9.       A hunting knife.(For self-defense because most major cities are gun free zones, but that doesn’t come into play, if there are other people with guns.)
10.   A folding knife.
11.   A multitool.(Such as a Leatherman)
12.   Handgun, if you can, with nine clips of ammunition.
13.   First aid kit.(The large first aid kit is best.)
14.   Liquor or any kind of alcohol.(For purposes of trade and barter)
15.   find people in your building that think the same way you.(Allies are always a good thing.)
16.   Extra oxygen and medications for the elderly and young children.
17.   Sewing kit.
18.   Heavy winter clothes.(You can always take off clothes in the summer but you can never have enough clothes in the winter.)
19.   Have several escape plans. (Even if your bugging in because you can’t stay there forever.)
20.   Have extra sharpened stakes to set booby-traps.
21.   Learn self-defense.(krav maga, knife fighting, basic tactical training, anything that will give you an advantage.)
22.   Stay in shape.( If you’re not in shape or fit. You will not be able to escape.) Even if that means walking every day, because every day you can walk further.
23.   Take a tactical weapons class. (This will come in handy even if you don’t have a weapon because you may be able to acquire one later.)
24.   Read as many survival books as you can.(Every survival book has something a little different that you can learn. Even if you’re in an urban environment, you can’t stay there forever sooner or later you’re going to have to leave. Just don’t read one type of survival book reads several different types survival in the woods, suburbs, anything dealing with survivability)
25.   Be adaptable.(The more adaptable you are to your situation or any coming situation the better off you will be. ADAPTABILITY IS KEY ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT.)
26.   Sometimes you’re going to have to do things to protect your family, that you would not do in a civil society. PREPARE YOURSELF MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY.
Now whether to prepare yourself for a disaster of any kind, or not. This is purely up to you, if you’re real man and you want to take care of your family during a disaster, start prepping now. The government is not going to be able to help you in the time of the disaster. They have proven themselves to be inept and unable to really help people in their times of need. These are just suggestions, they are not guidelines. Prepping is an expensive endeavor, but it will save your life and your family’s lives. People who depend on the government to help them in the time and need have basically made their family worth nothing. How much would you spend to ensure the safety of your family. As for myself, there is no price high enough to ensure the safety of my family. Whether you choose the prepper not, you need to ask yourself a question how much is your family really worth. there is no price

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The 3 things you will always need in an Urban Survival situation

WTSHTF maybe you are prepared for an extended survival scenario away from civilization, but you have to get out of the city first (maybe). In a disaster situation that might not be so easy. If you have these three things in place you will greatly increase your chances.

1.  Get Home Bag (GHB)

skyscraperImagine for a minute that you work downtown in a large city, maybe you ride the subway or take a bus to work everyday. You are in a large office building with many floors, thousands of people, and you are on the fifteen or twentieth story. If a disaster strikes how are you going to get out? I mean literally. If there is an earthquake, or a catastrophic man made event how are you going to get out of your building? How are you going to get down the street? How are you going to get home? Do you want to be one of the people covered in dust wandering around in shock? I sure don’t.
But I have my Bug out Bag you say!
Oh really, where is it? Even if it is in your car it is useless to you at this point. The parking garage is at street level and possibly blocks away. That could mean life or death in this situation and you need to act now.
Even if you could get to your Bug Out Bag, how much good would it do you in this environment? Most people’s B.O.B. is packed for survival in the wilderness. Camping gear, food, clothing, etc.
A Get Home Bag contains an entirely different set of tools and serves one purpose: To get you from wherever you are to your Home.
How to Choose an Urban Survival Bag
Your GBH should contain things that are going to get you out of the building like a prybar. Things to help you make it through the aftermath like water and breathing masks. Things you might use to help rescue others like flashlights or radios. Things that will help you on what could be a very long walk home such as food and maybe shoes.
Clearly a GHB is not a Bug Out Bag. Sure they have some overlap, but a GBH can be much smaller, less weight conscious, have more specific tools, and be planned for one purpose. Do you have one cached  in your office or place of work?

Gear for your Get Home Bag:

Use Sunglasses to Maintain a Tactical Advantage
The Platypus Collapsible Water Bottle
Dust Mask for Toxic Dust and Debris
Window Punch: Because It’s Quieter Than a Rock
Why Ear Plugs could make your Urban Survival more Bearable
30 Uses for a Bandana

2. A Bug Out Plan

Bug Out PlanSo you made it home, now what? Let’s assume that the SHTF out there. You have surveyed the situation and determined that the city is in mass chaos and you need to get out now. What do you do ? Again, you have your Bug Out Bag, but you still have to get out of the city. Do you have a Bug Out Plan?
For our purposes here lets assume that your Bug Out Plan needs to get you from your home to your serious survival cache or Bug Out Location outside of the city. I understand that not everybody has caches hidden in various places, and even fewer people have a dedicated But Out Location. While you should probably be working on that, you still need a Bug Out Plan.
There’s no way I can go through all of the various problems you might encounter while trying to bug out of your city so you will have to plan for yourself. What I will give you are some questions to consider and one rule: Contingency. Is your way out double, triple, and quadruple backed up?
If the highways are shutdown do you have a surface street route?
If no roads are passable do you have an off road route?
If driving is out of the question do you have a planned walking or riding route? (Do you have maps of your area in your Bug Out Bag?)
Do you have a rendezvous point with other family members?

3. A Bug In Plan

Bug In PlanLets back up a minute. Pretend you just got home again, but this time you surveyed the situation and decided that you are not in immediate danger but are still not at situation normal. Now what do you do? A Bug In Plan is for emergency situations where you can stay in your own home but have to rely on your own preparations to survive. This might just mean that you will be without power or water for an extended period. Maybe it means you actually can’t leave your home at all for whatever reason.
What plans do you have in place to live like this? A Bug in Plan should include food and water preparations first and foremost. What will you eat since all of the food in your refrigerator is going to be bad soon? Do you really want to live on the backpack meals out of your Bug Out Bag when you don’t have to? (Be sure to stock the Top 100 Items that will Disappear First).
How much water do you have stored? Do you have a sewage system set up. (No water=no sewage: its always the little things….) Do you have unprepared neighbors to worry about? (To help or guard against?)
Starting out a survival situation in an urban environment is almost an immediate set-back compared to those bugging out from more rural areas, but with a Get Home Bag, a Bug Out Plan, and a Bug In Plan you are better off than most people.
Check out our new Survival Gear Store – Forge Survival Supply
Gear for Bugging In:
The Survival Food Pyramid
The Easiest 100 Gallons of Emergency Water Storage
9 Common Spices to Stock (and 5 Uncommon)
37 Things You Should Stock but Probably Aren’t